Make your voice heard by taking part in WOW’s blogging event:
• Read and comment on blog posts featured on the National Elder Economic Security Initiative blog.
• Share the blog posts via Facebook, Twitter and e-mail
• Sign and send WOW’s statement of principles for elder economic security.
Let Congress know that you support federal funding to support elders ability to age in place with dignity. We need your voice to protect all things that build economic security for elders.
FRIDAY: On Transportation, featuring...
- Susan Rees, Director of National Policy, Wider Opportunities for Women
"Sorry, but You're Grounded"
- Enid Borden, Meals On Wheels Association of America
"Is America Failing our Nation's Seniors?"
- Paul Downey, Senior Community Centers of San Diego and National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs
"It is More than Just a Meal" - Jen Martin, AARP
"Help Someone Get Food with SNAP"
- January Angeles, Center on Budget & Policy Priorities:
"More to Medicaid than Meets the Eye"
- Morgan Gable, Leading Age
"Long-term Services and Supports and the Affordable Care Act" - Danielle Garrett, National Women's Law Center
"Medicaid and Medicare Provide Critical Support for the Long-Term Care Needs of Older Women" - Vicki Gottlich, Center for Medicare Advocacy
"Medicare: An American Success Story" - Laura Howard, The Association of BellTelRetirees
"Health Care Security in Retirement: It's More than Medicare
- Barbara R. Stucki, Ph. D., National Council on Aging (NCOA):
"Reverse Mortgage Counseling - A 'Teachable Moment' for Financially Vulnerable Older Homeowners"
- Alayna Waldrum, LeadingAge
"Housing: Economic Security and an Essential Part of the Continuum of Care" - Kate Birnbryer White, Elder Law of Michigan
"Can I Rent The American Dream?"
- Nancy Altman, Social Security Works:
"Expand Social Security, Don't Cut It" - Joan Entmacher and Katherine Gallagher Robbins, National Women's Law Center
"Social Security Is Women's Security" - Karen Friedman, Pension Rights Center
"Retirement Under Attack" - Cindy Hounsell, Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER)
"Social Security: Keeping It Strong Now And For The Future" - Gerald McIntyre, National Senior Citizens Law Center
"SSI Must Be Strengthened" - Donna V.S. Ortega, AARP Foundation
"Building Financial Security For Older Americans" - Marci Phillips, National Council on Aging
"One Away And The Older Americans Act" - Kate Birnbryer White, Elder Law of Michigan
"When The Grandparents Lose Economic Security, So Do Children And Grandchildren"
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